Monday, June 24, 2013

While were in the Good Ole Days....

Upon watching the season finale of The Office, Andy made a great quote that has resinated with me more and more as the days go by:
As we prepare to leave South Carolina, a place that has grown to feel like home, this quote makes me think that we need to enjoy the Good Old Days, because although we will move on to another adventure next Spring we haven't left yet. So the gears and I have sat down and made a list of the things we want to do, places we want to see, and places we want to eat before we leave the South. It ought to be quite the ride so stay tuned for some GREAT old days!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

And Done.....

So we are officially DONE our first year of Homeschooling, and it was an amazing year. I would like to share with you some "random things" that I learned, realized, accepted!

1. Homeschooling has been more beneficial to MY family than my Kids.....our family time has become more pure and unadulterated.
2.We manage our Time, our time does not manage us!
3.My kids are Smart!!
4. Having shoes on in school really does make your mind work better!!
5. Chores are important to the sanity of the teacher....enlist the kids to do chores before school starts and your house stays put together!
6.School work outside is the BEST!!
7.Being a good Organizer makes you much more fun!
8. Kids like for things to be organized.
9. Don't get hung up on Grade Levels, although it is important, learning happens at all grade levels for all students.
10. For a successful school year you must master the balance between all school all the time and Free days.

It really has been an enjoying ride, and I look forward to next year and all that it brings.