Sunday, August 19, 2012

First week; First Impressions

Our first week is complete, and it has left an impression. Here are some of my discoveries:
  • I love that I am doing this for my children and my family!
  • Homeschooling multiple grades is challenging, but not impossible.
  • Don't ignore Baby Thatcher's schedule, it makes for a crazy school day.
  • If something doesn't stimulate your kids, don't be afraid to change it up!
  • I have 'talked' to my children more in 4 days about school stuff than I think I did in the first 9 weeks of school.
  • I am amazed at how VERY smart my kids are!!
  • They are funny!
  • Cheese Nip bingo is the Bomb!
  • There is nothing better than learning 'WITH' your children
  • Smooth sailing Homeschool days are better than Chocolate!
  • The family time that this afford us is priceless.
Appealing to the schedule of Baby T allows for nap time to work wonderfully with our schedule, and is SOOOO much better than Chocolate ( but not much better than a chocolate Lab)!!

Realizing that you can do your "reading"homework in the back room was yet another perk that Hannah stumbled upon!!

Matching "baby" letters with their "Momma" is a fun review

Cheese Nip prepositional Bingo is a Good Time for All!!

Our first day of school at ECoE

Esterline Center of Excellence (ECoE) opened its doors for the first time August 13th, 2012. Our first day of school was amazing, the air was thick with excitement while the potential of what this year would become circled at our feet. We started out strong with a Morning Schedule for the kids to help them get into the swing of school...........
                                         Good Morning!
                                    ~You are HIS sunshine~
·       Make your bed and pick up your room!
·       Brush your teeth & hair, put on clean clothes.
·       Good morning job:
o   Hannah / shuffle laundry,
o   Megan / put dishes away.
o   Briar / pick up downstairs.
o   Willow / Truman.
·       Breakfast
·       Free time until mom starts the day!
This schedule seems not only to start our morning off right, it helps to keep the house in check as well. I found this idea on Holy Spirit Led Homeschooling. I actually have a found a ton of great sites with an abundant amount of information and I have pinned it to my Pinterest account under Homeschool or click here.
First day of school 2012

After taking our annual "First Day of School" photo, at 8:30 we were seated at the desk and ready for our first day!

Morning Writing
Even Truman was ready to learn!!
It was a beautiful first day, and I am so thankful for the support and encouragement of so many that helped me to believe that this was not only possible, but worthwhile